Abbie Jackowitz

Parashat R'eih

There are many things that come with being Jewish. One of my favorites is the tradition of lighting the candles on a Chanukiah during Chanukah. Becoming a Bat Mitzvah has many meanings to me.  One of these meanings is continuing to immerse myself in Jewish culture. I will continue learning about Judaism by going to Jewish summer camps, services, giving tzedakah out of my own money, and participating in youth groups. Throughout my journey of becoming a Bat Mitzvah I have learned that I really enjoy going to Sheva and Friday night services and learning new prayers and traditions that I can use throughout my life.

For my Mitzvah project I have the honor and the privilege of working with special needs students at my school. There’s nothing I love more than playing games, talking, and having lunch with them; because in the end they’re no different than any of us and because of this my Mitzvah project is something that I will continue to take part in forever.

Abbie is the daughter of Ilene and Jason Jackowitz. She is the sister of Jared. She is the granddaughter of Bob Jackowitz of Levittown, New York and Joan Bram of West Palm Beach, Florida. She feels blessed that everyone is here today. Send notes of Mazel Tov.