Hannah Weiss

Parashat Naso

My favorite thing about being Jewish is that we get to connect with other Jewish people. Becoming a Bat Mitzvah means joining the Jewish community as an adult. For me, this means increased opportunities to learn, to teach as a madricha in Religious School, and participate in Hebrew High School and BBYO. I have really appreciated learning in Sheva because I have been able to be myself, allowed to joke around and have fun.

For part of my Mitzvah Project, I helped with Mitzvah Day. We packed bags full of school supplies and books for children at Sterling Elementary School. The bags contained a book, activities, and snacks. I learned that we can be grateful for the things we have and we can help give to others.

Hannah is the daughter Nina Weiss-Alicea and Gerald Alicea. She is the sister of Rayna and the step-sister Caitlyn. She is the granddaughter of Peter and Gail Rubenstein of Charlotte. Send notes of mazel tov.