Jadeyn Zurosky

Parashat B'haalot'cha

Jadeyn will become a Bat Mitzvah on June 10 on Rhode Island.

My favorite thing about being Jewish is celebrating the holidays and spending time with family.  I also love all of the Jewish traditions and how being Jewish isn’t about getting presents, it’s more about tradition and the value of family.  What becoming a Bat Mitzvah means to me is that I am becoming an adult in the Jewish community.  I am learning the importance of Jewish values and how I should live my life as a Jew.  At the beginning of my studies, I had doubt in myself because I didn’t think I could learn to read Hebrew.  I learned that I am capable of taking on a new challenge, and becoming successful in achieving a new and challenging goal.

My mitzvah project was helping out with some of my mother’s autistic clients.  I chose this because I thought it was important to learn about people with differences, and I am interested in what my mother does for a living.  I learned that everyone is capable of learning, even if they may learn in a different way.  It also made me appreciate and realize that I was born healthy and without any learning challenges.

As a Jewish adult, I will plan on continuing to attend services.  I learned that I actually enjoy services, especially Friday night services.  I will continue to celebrate the Jewish holidays and will raise my children Jewish.  It is important to do mitzvahs and treat others right and with respect.  Being Jewish is about family and tradition and I hope to keep the values in my daily life.

Jadeyn is the daughter of Alyson Shaffer and Kirk Zurosky.  She is the sister of Sydney Zurosky.  Her grandmother and grandfather are Joan and Richard Shaffer and they live in Salem, Massachusetts.  Notes of mazel tov can be sent to: Solvingautism@gmail.com