Shayna Strasser

Parashat Naso

My favorite part about being Jewish is the community. I love feeling like I am a part of something. I have made many friends through the Jewish community, and I am so thankful for that. To me, becoming a bat mitzvah means becoming a Jewish adult. I will become more mature and treated like an adult. While I was preparing for my bat mitzvah, I learned a lot about my Jewish culture by studying Torah. I also learned that to become a bat mitzvah takes a lot of hard work and dedication. As a Jewish adult, I plan to join Jewish youth groups to further my study of Judaism.

My mitzvah project was to bring cookies and a personalized note to some of my past teachers. I chose this project to make sure that my teachers know how much they have impacted my life. They have helped develop my love of learning, which will be a part of me forever. Delivering the cookies and notes made me an feel amazing because my teachers felt special and appreciated.

Shayna is the daughter of Amy and Jeff Strasser. She is the sister of Zachary and Lindsay Strasser. She is the granddaughter of Penny Krieger of Charlotte NC, Stanley Krieger of Miami FL, and Andy and Beverly Strasser of Boca Raton FL. Please send emails of Mazel Tov.