Rayna Weiss

Parashat R'eh

I am having a Bat Mitzvah because I was wanted to have the celebration. There are parts of the learning that I have enjoyed. I love chanting the V’ahavta, singing the Yismechu, and I like coming to services. My grandfather, my grandmother, my uncles and cousins all became B’nei Mitzvah. Now it’s my turn! During Sheva, I learned how to write in Hebrew and sound out the letters. I learned how to chant, I learned a lot of prayers, and I learned about Jewish history. I am proud to be Jewish. I plan to go to Hebrew High, to be a madricha in Religious School, and be confirmed. I want to do everything that there is to do to be fully Jewish.

For my mitzvah project I worked at the YMCA in daycare with the little kids. I cut out shapes so that they could make boats. I drew fish. I enjoyed being helpful to smaller kids. I fulfilled the mitzvah of teaching children.

Rayna is the daughter of Nina and Gerald. She is the granddaughter of Gail and Peter Rubenstein of Charlotte, NC. She is the sibling of Caitlyn, Megan, and Hannah.

Words of mazel tov can be sent to naw622@aol.com.