Welcoming a Rabbinic Intern in June by Rabbi Asher Knight

Dear Temple Beth El Family, I am excited to announce that from June 11th through August 8th, we will welcome Student Rabbi Hannah Elkin for a unique summer internship. Hannah is finishing her third year of rabbinical school at the Los Angeles campus of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR). She is among […]

What We Learned (Community Organizing Report Back Session)

What we learned (words written and shared by Andrea Cooper): As you might guess, we saw a range of experiences among congregants about race. If you haven’t yet, take a moment to look at the quotes on the wall. These are the very words we heard from congregants in our Listening Circles. We heard that […]

Once a Camper, Always a Camper by Susan Jacobs, Director of Education

Once a camper, always a camper! It’s been many, many years since I was a camper at a Jewish sleep away camp but it’s in my blood.  I loved camp.  I loved the fact that everyone was Jewish which is a really big deal when you grow up in Charlotte. I loved singing Jewish songs […]

Celebrate Your Life. Be a Part of Mitzvah Day. by Jill Lipson

One Saturday morning after our Farber Leadership Group session in 2010, I was having brunch before services. Rabbi Judy took a seat beside me, and while in casual conversation popped the question, Would you like to co-chair Mitzvah Day next year? I had been in Charlotte only four years and really didn’t know anything about […]

Generations Care for the Hebrew Cemetery by Brian Yesowitch

Mitzvah Day is a very special day for our family.  Each May, we look forward to wrapping up the school year and eagerly await the warmth and freedom that summer brings. On Mitzvah Day, our Temple does a great job of putting together opportunities for everyone to get outside of the Sunday School classroom and […]

Immeasurable Fulfillment on Mitzvah Day by Marissa Brooks

To be honest, I have lost count of how many actual Mitzvah Days our family has done. We started many years ago when our oldest daughter (now 19) could barely write her name on a paper bag. I was inspired by Kelly Gaines (also a physical therapist) who was in charge of the program for […]

Counting the Omer by Rabbi Dusty Klass

“Blessed are you, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the Universe, who has made us holy with your commandments and commanded us to count the Omer**. Today is 12 days, which is one week and five days of the Omer.” Those of you who attended Friday night services this past week may recognize the above blessing […]

Do A Mitzvah for Our Community and for Yourself by Laura Lewin

OK, so I am not the most organized mom in the world.  Five years ago when my kids were 8, 9, and 11 I had “Mitzvah Day” written in ink on my calendar–I knew that we would be attending–but I sort of missed all of the email reminders to sign up for an actual project. […]