I Love Passover by Cantor Mary Rebecca Thomas

I love Passover. I love Passover more than any other holiday, Jewish or otherwise. I remember as a kid – a super-Jewish-loving kid – how excited I would be when the Passover foods would start turning up in the house. My grandparents’ pantry was on some shelves leading up toward our attic; I remember creeping […]

What A Ride! by Susan Jacobs, Director of Education

Working at Temple Beth El has been a roller coaster ride over the past few months.  So many things are happening.  Rabbi Judy leaving. Rabbi Jonathan leaving. Rabbi searches happening. Rabbi Knight beginning in July. Rabbi Klass beginning in July. Now we are beginning a search for a new Director of Youth Engagement.  The new […]

Seeds of Change Sown in Charleston by Rabbi Judy Schindler

I was blessed to help lead a three day mission to explore Jewish Charleston with women leaders from the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte. Here are my reflections on the journey: In the Charleston of the 17th century, Jews identified themselves as a “portion of the people.” But truth be told we were a “portion […]

Purim, Pesach, and Packing by Cantor Mary Rebecca Thomas

I’ve been thinking about my Year-In-Israel as a cantorial student more often lately, prompted entirely by the visits of our three incredible candidates for the assistant rabbi position. The first year at HUC – JIR, the Reform Movement’s seminary on four campuses, is a singular year among the five when one studies in order to […]

Managing Transitions is a Blessed Journey by Dr. Laura Bernstein

Navigating and managing transitions is not about forgetting our history and starting everything anew; rather it is about respecting and celebrating what and who we say goodbye to, living fully in the present, and preparing for the future. Transition is about a sacred journey –a journey we will be blessed to share together. There are […]

Help a teen and win big! by Susan Jacobs, Director of Education

Bingo is fun! People play it on cruise ships and at the beach. It’s a big hit in retirement communities. The excitement builds and you get so close. Just one more number. And bam, it hits, Bingo! and win a fabulous prize. Pretty exciting. On February 13th at 5:30pm, we will all have the opportunity […]

On watching paint dry. Cantor Mary Rebecca Thomas

Several weeks ago, I sat on the couch with my family. From husband to toddler, all three were engrossed in the Panthers latest pummeling of another team. I was looking at the ceiling, my mind far away. Matt turned to me and said, “This is like watching paint dry for you, isn’t it?” I realized […]