This Month It’s All About Sex by Cantor Andrew Bernard

The month of January sees the launch of this year’s 6th, 8th, and 9th grade human sexuality program at Temple Beth El. This is the central part of our STAR (Sex, Torah, and Relationships) Curriculum that begins with parents of preschoolers and concludes with a pre-college program for our Post-Confirmation (11th and 12th grade) students. […]

Reflections on a Long MLK Weekend by Rabbi Judith Schindler

It is Monday night and I am reflecting on my long MLK weekend. It was four days of praying, marching, preaching, eating, and hoping together. Charlotte’s MLK Parade had a short route filled with spirit along Tryon Street from 11th Street to Stonewall but sadly the road ahead seems so long… and our problems seems […]

Find Yourself a Rabbi By Rabbi Judith Schindler

Find yourself a rabbi, acquire for yourself a friend, and judge every person favorably. – Pirkei Avot 1:6 Our Mishnah teaches that we need a rabbi. We need a rabbi to teach us and to guide us. We need a rabbi to carry us through tough times and to help us celebrate sacred times. We […]

Lessons I’ve Learned from Our Youth By Rabbi Judith Schindler

In the Talmud, Rabbi Chanina remarked, “I have learned much from my teachers, more from my colleagues, and the most from my students” (Tractate Ta’anit 7a). I echo his sentiments. Our Beth El Youth inspire me each and every day. Our Teen Band has taught me that when each congregant brings their gifts to Temple […]


Today has me thinking a lot about the passage of time. Today (December 16, 2015) is a special day for me as it is my 10th anniversary as Chaplain Specialist at Levine Children’s Hospital. It has been just over 19 years since that visit to the pediatric floor at New York Hospital — only my […]

Shalom Aleichem- Assalamu Aleikum- Peace Be with You- by Rabbi Judy Schindler

A message from Rabbi Judy Schindler, Senior Rabbi of Temple Beth El to be shared at Charlotte’s Interfaith Vigil to Mourn the Shooting in San Bernardino and Stand Against Violence While we wish we could stand with our Muslim brothers and sisters who have planned this vigil to both mourn the shooting in San Bernardino […]

Amazing Gifts by Dr. Laura Bernstein

A new riding helmet. A pair of barn boots. Barbie clothes. Movies. Games. Toy horses. These are some of the gifts my daughter has received this Chanukah. What I have received is a half-eaten lollipop, a prized necklace and bracelet, an original drawing, and the blessing of a smile, hug, and cuddle. Exactly seven years […]

BIENNIAL: A personal reflection by Cantor Andrew Bernard

In early November, 18 Temple Beth El members joined 5,000 Reform Jews from all over the world in Orlando for the URJ Biennial. I have been attending Biennials since the 1997 convention in Dallas when I was still a cantorial student at HUC. I’ve been honored to be a presenter at workshops and lead worship […]

Thanksgiving: Make this Holiday Holy by Rabbi Judy Schindler

Thanks… for all I have Blessings too great to name and number freedom and food, shelter, love and life Giving… No material gifts are needed No shopping at malls is required for today’s celebration Just presence shared with those who matter most Joy of feeling blessed commingled with sadness for those who are living with […]