Interfaith Work Matters by Cantor Mary Rebecca Thomas

When I was about 16, I had the opportunity to spend a few days doing peer leadership training through the National Conference of Christians and Jews. I went to camp – Anytown USA – along with a number of kids from my high school, including some very close friends. We spent several days at Anytown […]

Pray for Faith by Rabbi Judy Schindler

Fear… of those filled with hate of violence of guns and terrorism. Faith… in the good in the “other” in the ability to uproot evil. Do not let fear close your hearts close your minds close your souls (or close your borders to refugees seeking sanctuary – for we were once them). Push through to […]

Pray for Paris by Rabbi Judy Schindler

Paris. Known for tourism now covered by nonstop news of terrorism. Known for art now filled with agony. Known for romance now rife with sorrow. The Eiffel tower darkened in mourning for a world turned upside down… a city shut down. A concert hall. A soccer stadium. A restaurant. Places of music and sports and […]

Souls of Our Students Launches Today by Dr. Laura Bernstein

Reform Judaism and my personal belief structure is guided by the basic tenet that all of us are created in the divine image (b’tselem Elohim). Temple Beth El has a strong history of working for the full inclusion and civil rights of our LGBT community, and I’m pleased to share our efforts continue today with […]

Come to Israel by Cantor Mary R. Thomas

I remember being a young school child and it was thrilling whenever there would be a “multicultural” fair or “diversity day”, because this meant there would be an Israeli booth. I remember excitedly raising my hand in school so I could sign up to write a paper about my people’s home – Israel. It was […]

So This Happened! by Susan Jacobs, Director of Education

So this happened! On Sunday morning, at the opening day assembly of religious school, we welcomed our students back to school. I cannot begin to tell you what it feels like to see the entire Blumenthal Sanctuary filled to capacity with students, teachers, madrichim and parents. And that is nothing compared to what happens when […]

The Family that Prays Together… by Cantor Mary Rebecca Thomas

Rabbi Judy made a powerful argument in her Rosh Hashanah morning sermon about how important memory is to the Jewish people. It’s how we build our identity. It’s how we know who we are. It’s how we know how to act in the world. As a parent, I think about this idea often. I think […]

Praying With Windows in Our Sanctuary by Rabbi Judy Schindler

The Talmud teaches that “A person should not pray except in a room which has windows.” In the book of Daniel, at the risk of losing his life for bowing down and praying to any god or any man but the King, Daniel went up to his room, opened his windows towards Jerusalem and prayed […]