Standing Together to Support Israel by Rabbi Judith Schindler

Sometimes those of us who love Israel feel alone. Our homeland is attacked with words, with accusations, with efforts to delegitimize her. We struggle to have the right words at the right time to defend her. Sometimes those of us who love Israel feel surrounded and supported. That was the experience I had in being […]

For Jews: Fear, Flight or Fight by Rabbi Judith Schindler

Ten days ago, Dan Uzan, a 37-year-old, was shot dead guarding a Copenhagen synagogue while a Bat Mitzvah celebration was inside. I mourn his tragic death and shudder at the thought of the increased and horrific bloodshed that would have ensued had the gunman made it inside. One month earlier, a gunman who pledged allegiance […]

Our Jewish Values in Israel – Vote Now!

In a world where we feel that we need Israel more than ever, as a homeland, a source of pride and inspiration for all Jews everywhere, and in the worst situations (God forbid), a refuge for us all, our voices have never been more important in helping to determine the Jewish values of our shared […]

OPPORTUNITIES by Cantor Andrew Bernard

I am sometimes amazed by the nearly infinite number of ways a person can express his or her Judaism. It’s easy to focus more narrowly on activities directly associated with the synagogue, but the richness of Jewish life really depends upon the infusion of our principles and beliefs in life’s smallest nooks and crannies. Our […]

Memories and Making a Difference BY Cantor Mary THOMAS

I’m writing today from a cozy spot in the heart of Manhattan. Several times a year, I make a one or two day pilgrimage to New York City to visit my voice teacher and have a tune up, so to speak. Congregants are often surprised to learn that I still take voice lessons and are […]

Waking Up to a New Year By Rabbi Judith Schindler

We close our eyes to 2014. So much to leave behind. Lost planes, Lost lives. Shots ringing out – In Syria, in schools, across Israel’s borders. Rising tides of anti-Semitism Rising distrust of police and rising frustration with politicians. Radicals destroying faith wreaking destruction We open our eyes to the dawn of a new year […]

THE GIFT I GIVE MYSELF WILL BE… by Cantor Andrew Bernard

As Jews, we have the advantage of experiencing many significant annual events twice: once as part of our Jewish year and once as part of the secular year. We have Sukkot and Thanksgiving, Rosh Hashanah and New Years, Memorial Day and Yom HaZikaron, Tu Bishvat and Arbor Day — to name a few. While the […]

An Attitude of Gratitude! by Susan Jacobs, Director of Education

On Thanksgiving in my home, we have a tradition of going around the table to say what we are thankful for. The same thing is happening in many, many homes all over the country. We all have so much to be thankful for and that is the official day to publicly state our list of […]