Expanding My Bubble by Patty Torcellini

Life with 3 children and a career can be very challenging and finding quality time to do something other than keeping things afloat felt scarce. For years, I spent most of my spare time volunteering at my children’s schools, both secular and religious, and I found that I was floating along in my own little […]

To Love and Be Loved by Roswell Ecker

I have always been puzzled by the Western individualistic notion that you can’t truly love or be loved by others until you love yourself. I see it as similar to the “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” mentality that allows so many people to deny the plight of their neighbors by blaming those who are […]

Finding Relationships that Feed You and Allow You to Feel Fed by Peter Blair

I am truly blessed – I’m asked each day to work towards building relationships within our community. Through this work, I have learned that these individual relationships are the strands of fabric that hold our community together. I’ve also learned that when we do not invest in relationships, we become agitated more easily, we notice […]

Finding My Place by Janet Abel

I have always been Jewish. Not just by birth, but as a key part of my identity. Growing up in Miami, I was the one in the family that was involved and always wanted to be at Temple. I went to Sunday school, Hebrew school, and taught Israeli folk dance after Hebrew school! Though I […]

Listen to your Soul Sing by Emily Lopez

Have you ever stopped to wonder how you came to arrive at a particular life moment? How did your soul guide you?  Did you let it? I fell in love with my husband Fernando while living in Barcelona.  Had I not followed a karmic connection from years earlier back to Barcelona, had I not listened […]

Choose Kindness by Robin Leavitt

My neighbors recently returned my bicycle which they had stored for me over the better part of a year.  When I recharged my cycling computer – still on the bike – it came on like a ghost from the past, glowing – 11:15 a.m, 29.6 miles, “press > to resume ride.” It was July 29, […]

Introducing the 2019 Elul Blog

Two years ago, we experimented with a project that now, three years in, has become a beautiful tradition. Our #ElulBlog invites congregants to reflect on a variety of questions that speak to themes connected to the High Holy Day season. Throughout this month, authors of all ages will share their stories on our website as […]

Abraham’s Tent: A Shared Muslim Community and Jewish Community

Changes at Room in the Inn: An Update  Shalom Park Room in the Inn has made a change which promises to broaden all of our horizons. The Jewish community is joining in partnership with the Muslim community to create Abraham’s Tent: A Muslim Community-Jewish Community Room in the Inn at Queens University of Charlotte. Two simultaneous circumstances led […]

High Holy Day Choir

It’s time to register for our High Holy Day (HHD) choirs! I hope that you will lend your spirit and your voice to make our High Holy Day services beautiful and meaningful for all. Adult Choir is for any adult or experienced 11th/12th graders who are willing to make a weekly rehearsal commitment beginning in […]