United in Purpose and Mission by Rabbi Asher Knight

On January 7th, Temple Beth El’s Board of Directors passed a new Core Purpose and Mission. The process of listening to our members, learning about their vision of congregational life, writing the new mission, editing, and considering the nuances of language took a year and a half. The process began under Ginny Rosenberg’s presidency with […]

Mending the Hole by Susan Jacobs, Director of Education

The death of a loved one is an inevitability in everyone’s life. It is tragic and painful, regardless of the age or circumstances. Most often, we know it is coming and thankfully, only on rare occasions, are we shocked by the sudden loss of someone who is central in our lives. One minute they are […]

Congregants Create Bonds at Temple Beth El

Engagement is a big buzz word in the Jewish world right now. Many Jewish institutions talk about engagement while some simultaneously struggle to truly engage their constituents. We create a warm welcome that makes people feel good when they walk in the door – that’s only if they make a choice to walk in the […]

Share the Warmth, Shine Bright by Andy Harkavy, Director of Congregational Engagement

This time of year always seems particularly tough. It gets darker earlier. The weather gets colder. Many things which I am excited to do outside become harder to do as a result of the unpredictable weather. Luckily, Charlotte, NC has warmer/shorter winters with many sunnier days than Cincinnati, OH and Baltimore, MD where I previously […]

All is Never Lost: Chanukah Light by Rabbi Dusty Klass

December is the darkest month of the year. It’s no coincidence that Chanukah, a holiday in which we are commanded to increase light each night, occurs exactly as our days become shorter and our nights become longer. The holiday season is full of that contrast, of moments of light and darkness. It’s in the joy […]