Day 34 of the Omer – Details Build Foundations
Yesod in Hod – a balanced foundation in smallness and humility. Building solidly requires taking into account all the details, even the smallest of them.
Yesod in Hod – a balanced foundation in smallness and humility. Building solidly requires taking into account all the details, even the smallest of them.
Happy LaG b’Omer – the 33rd of the Omer is here – shaving and hair-cutting and going to parties allowed again. This is the 5th
Netzach in Hod – eternal self-centered victory in the awe-inspiring perspective from the minuscule. In the tiniest pixelated particles, the humblest of building blocks of
Tiferet in Hod – harmonious beautiful fine-tuned balance in smallness and grace. We know that we should embrace some sense of smallness, to self-diminish and
Gevurah in Hod – power and rigor in humility and smallness. These seem tough to combine at first. Humility, even losing our selves in our
Chesed in Hod – compassion in awe and humility. I find it easy to see compassion coming from our sense of smallness – this allows
Malchut in Netzach – sovereignty, the rule of the present, in the persistent eternal victory. Taking a “now” view when we plan long term –
Yesod in Netzach – a firm and balanced foundation in the persistent perpetuity of the self. Finding a path into the future for ourselves requires
Hod in Netzach – quantum smallness and awe in eternal perpetuation of the self. These ends of the spectrum – humility and ego – depend
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