Students Grades 8 – 12

Teens in grades 8-12 have the awesome opportunity to attend Hebrew High and become madrichim in our B’nei Mitzvah tutoring program and in Temple Beth El Religious School.

Hebrew High is a supplementary Jewish program for students in grades 8-12, sponsored by Temple Beth El and Temple Israel, and open to ALL Jewish teens! The transformative learning experiences at Hebrew High of Charlotte NC are designed to help our students grow both in and out of the classroom. Hebrew High reflects the vibrant energy of our Jewish teens by giving them a voice to explore their Judaism in a safe environment with passionate and skilled teachers who want to help our students make an impact on the world.

Hebrew High meets on Wednesday nights from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. For more information or to arrange a visit, please contact Megan Harkavy, Hebrew High Director at (980) 483-7162.

BEEMa is our Madrichim training program for eighth graders interested in serving as madrichim in the Religious School (teaching assistants) or in the B’nei Mitzvah program (tutors). BEEMa meets during regular Religious School hours from 9:00am-11:15am on Sunday mornings.

Participants in BEEMa meet weekly to explore and discuss topics such as leadership skills, child development, discussion leading, and program planning. Throughout the year, BEEMa participants have the chance to try out different grades and program areas, as well as work together on projects to benefit the whole Religious School. The year will culminate with BEEMa running a special morning of programming for the entire Religious School. A requirement of participation in BEEMa is that teens register and attend at least one trimester of Hebrew High.

Please contact Rabbi Beth Nichols, Director of Lifelong Jewish Learning for more information.

  • B’nei Mitzvah Madrichim work one-on-one with students who are training to become bar or bat mitzvah. Madrichim are scheduled on a monthly basis to assist during scheduled b’nei mitzvah tutoring sessions. These madrichim train students in the prayer and blessings of Shabbat services and some acquire the necessary skills to train students in Torah and Haftarah cantillation.


All Madrichim must fulfill the following requirements:

  • 9th and 10th graders must enroll in and attend Hebrew High for at least one trimester during the year.
  • 11th and 12th graders may either enroll in Hebrew High or actively participate in a Jewish youth group.

For more information about B’nei Mitzvah madrichim, contact Rebecca Levy, B’nei Mitzvah Administrator & Worship Assistant.

Religious School Madrichim are teaching assistants who help out in classrooms and with fun activities around Temple and Religious School and get incredible job experience to put on college applications and resumes.


All Madrichim must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Commit to consistent attendance and communicate absences with their teacher.
  • 9th and 10th graders must enroll in and attend Hebrew High for at least one trimester during the year.
  • 11th and 12th graders may either enroll in Hebrew High or actively participate in a Jewish youth group.

Please contact Rabbi Beth Nichols, Director of Lifelong Jewish Learning for more information.

Our Youth Groups are an important part of Temple Beth El’s commitment to engaging our youth from five year olds all the way up to age 18. This is a wonderful opportunity for TBE kids to get together and forge Jewish friendships that last a lifetime.