Lizkor v’Lichvod

Honor and Remember Your Loved Ones

As the High Holy Days approach, we are given the opportunity to reflect and remember those who have profoundly touched our lives. We invite you to celebrate and honor your loved ones in unique and meaningful ways through our special tribute programs.

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Lizkor v'Lichvod

We invite you to celebrate and honor your loved ones in a unique, poignant way through our Lizkor v’Lichvod booklet. This special tribute will be with you during our most sacred moments of prayer and contemplation and serves as a touching testament to the love and legacy of those who have passed.

With a modest contribution, you can ensure your loved ones’ names are inscribed in this booklet. By participating, you not only cherish their memory but also support our vibrant congregation, enabling us to carry forth our shared traditions and values. Join us in this deeply meaningful practice, celebrating life, legacy, and community.

We’d like to ask for submissions to be completed by Wednesday, September 18, allowing ample time for preparation. Thank you for your generosity and for making Temple Beth El a community of connection, memory, and honor.

Dedicate a Machzor

Honor or remember a loved one with a dedication nameplate in a set of our two-volume Mishkan HaNefesh machzorim. You can also dedicate books in honor of a birth, wedding, graduation, anniversary, birthday, or other simcha with a meaningful contribution to our congregation, or honor loved ones you are remembering during this time of year.

With a $54 donation, your loved ones’ names will be added to a nameplate in a set of Mishkan HaNefesh machzorim. Dedicated machzorim made this year will be available for you to use during your High Holy Days worship.

About Mishkan HaNefesh

For many years, Temple Beth El has used Gates of Repentance, the beautiful machzor – or High Holy Day Prayerbook – published in 1978. Temple’s Clergy began to use readings and prayers from the new machzorMishkan HaNefesh, after its publication in 2015. Our use of the machzor accelerated during the pandemic because of the ease of language, slides, and other resources the new prayerbook provided for our streaming services. When we returned to the Temple in 5783/2022, we made the decision to celebrate the New Year with a new machzor. 

We are so excited for Mishkan HaNefesh because it:

  • Is a timely, meaningful liturgy for everyone; those who have been engaged in our community for a long time and those new to Jewish spirituality and practice. 

  • Inspires feelings of awe during moments of solace and contemplation and solidarity through song and worship.

  • Embraces different ideas of God through the rich liturgical voices of the Jewish past and the aspirations of our people today. 

  • Provides a fully transliterated liturgy, making services more accessible to people of all levels of Hebrew skill. 

  • Includes study texts, rich commentary, and essays from leading Jewish thinkers with thoughtful background from our Jewish tradition. 

  • Presents contemporary poetry and alternative readings. 

  • Offers new translations that capture the beauty of the Hebrew.