Awe on the horizon – daily parashah
For today, Va-Yeitzei, Genesis 28:10 – 32:3 – the first parts of Jacob’s biography. From the parashah, Genesis chapter 28: 16 Jacob awoke from his
For today, Va-Yeitzei, Genesis 28:10 – 32:3 – the first parts of Jacob’s biography. From the parashah, Genesis chapter 28: 16 Jacob awoke from his
Shavuah Tov, a good week to all, for today Toldot, Genesis 25:19 – 28:9 – the generations of Isaac. The parashah outlines Isaac’s life and
For today, Chayei Sarah, the fourth parashah of the Torah, Genesis 23:1 – 25:18, the end of Sarah’s life and the winding up of Abraham’s
An Elul thought a day on each of the Torah readings of the year continues – parashat ha-yom! For today, Va-Yeira, the fourth parashah of
An Elul thought a day on each of the Torah readings of the year continues – parashat ha-yom! For today we look at Lech L’cha,
A thought a day on each of the Torah readings of the year continues – parashat ha-yom! For today, Noach, the second parashah of the
A thought a day on each of the Torah readings of the year for Elul and the High Holy Days culminating around Simchat Torah –
The Omer Counting marks the time between Passover and Shavuot – two important agricultural holidays that also became two important theological holidays in the Jewish
On Monday evening, April 16, Temple Beth El’s Board of Directors unanimously passed the following resolution: WHEREAS Temple Beth El’s mission is to be a
If you have experienced or witnessed an antisemitic incident in the Charlotte area, please report it using the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte’s online incident form.