Amaya Blake


What I love most about Judaism is our community, and how everyone is so accepting. When it comes to where you come from and what you believe in, and race and sexuality, the Jewish communities I have been a part of have always been really open and welcoming.

This year, I have learned more about all of the prayers and what they mean – I especially like Hashkiveinu, because I think it’s an amazing way to say goodnight to everyone and close out the day. To me, becoming bat mitzvah makes me an official part of the community and is a result of a lot of hard work.

For my mitzvah project, I made challah as part of Challah Day. I love baking, and have made challah before, so this was a fun way to help out and contribute to the community I love so much.

Now that I am a bat mitzvah, I plan to continue living Jewishly by celebrating holidays at home and at temple, and celebrating Shabbat.

Amaya Blake is the daughter of Elana and Jason Blake. She is the sister of Jonas Blake. She is the granddaughter of Lynn and Avi Goldman of Palm Beach, FL and Debbie and Larry Blake of Cincinnati, OH.

Send notes of Mazal Tov.