Cameron Hightower

Chayei Sarah

My Favorite thing about being Jewish are the holidays and traditions. During this time I like spending time with my family. Becoming a bat mitzvah means to me that I am able to be responsible for myself and my actions with the influence of Jewish values and the community.

When I was preparing for my bat mitzvah, I learned that I can push past my nervousness and I can accomplish anything I work hard for and put my mind to. My bat mitzvah project was appreciation baskets to temple Beth el religious school teachers. I chose this because my teachers helped me through life as a Jewish citizen at such a young age and taught me so much about what it means to be Jewish, and I would like to give back to teachers who continue to “plant the seeds” of the Jewish learning for others. What I can take out of from my bat mitzvah project is that even a few teachers or even people can change and inspire the lives of others that enables them to do something great in life and find their place in the Jewish Community, as my teachers did for me. I plan on continuing to learn the importance of Judaism by continuing to learn Hebrew so one day I can go to Israel and see lots of new things, talk to lots of people and learn more about my cultural background and religious history.

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