Colin Berger


My favorite thing about being Jewish is the holidays. My favorite holiday is Hanukkah because I get to open presents with my family and light the menorah. To me, becoming a Bar Mitzvah means becoming a man and an adult in the Jewish religion. In preparing for my Bar Mitzvah I learned about myself that in life if you want something you have to work for it. For my Mitzvah project I delivered challah to the members of our congregation. I also prepared meals for families in Africa who do not have enough food. As a Jewish adult I plan to continue celebrating Jewish holidays and traditions and go to services. I also want to continue volunteering.

Colin is the son of Amy and Seth Berger. He is the brother of Logan Berger. He is the grandson of Ferne and Bill Berger of Boca Raton, Florida and Cindy and Jeanell Lizotte of Tupper Lake, New York.

Send notes of Mazal Tov to: Amy BergerSeth BergerFerne and Bill Berger, and Cindy and Jeanell Lizotte