Collin Kanofsky


My favorite thing about Judaism is the singing and instruments that go along with the prayers. My favorite prayer is Mi Chamocha because it is fun to sing. Another thing I love about Judaism is Shabbat because I get to play with fire and eat super yummy challah while we say our grateful’s. Every Shabbat my family does something called grateful’s. We each take a big coin and a small coin and we say our big and small grateful. Next, we put our coins into our kosher piggy bank. Once it’s full, we split the money into groups to donate to different charities. We each pick which charity we want to donate to.

My mitzvah project was robotics tutoring. I chose to do robotics tutoring because I love robotics and enjoy sharing my knowledge with others. I did my tutoring through QCRA: Queen City Robotics Alliance. I tutored kids from 11 – 13 years old in online modeling for beginners and coding for beginners. My plan for the future is to become an engineer. I have chosen that career path because I like putting together parts and working with electronics. I also have lots of ideas that I want to try.