Daniel Shore


My favorite thing about being Jewish is questioning the Torah. In Judaism you get asked questions you get to think about. To become a bar Mitzvah to me means that I will pass down the learnings of Torah to people younger than me. Something I have learned about myself through the preparation of my Bar Mitzvah is that I can do anything that I put my mind to.

For my Mitzvah project I helped people younger than me in TaeKwonDo through different classes. I helped them by teaching them forms and helping them perfect different forms or self defenses. I learned patience and how to be a good leader. I have bonded with some of the kids I have helped out. I also made cookies for firefighters knowing that if I ever need help they will be there. When I was giving out the cookies, I learned about what the firefighter’s daily lives were like at their station, and the types of friendships that are made there.

I plan to keep my sense of community with my Jewish family even after I become a bar mitzvah. I will do this by helping at the religious school, and maybe being a Torah tutor so I can help some of the people who will be becoming bar or bat mitzvah in the future.