Dylan Stadler


One of my favorite things about being Jewish is all the traditions and how unique it is from other religions. Becoming a Bar Mitzvah means that I am accepted as a young adult in Judaism and I will fully embrace our many traditions. In Sheva, I learned a lot about tzedakah and giving back to people in need. For one of my Mitzvah projects, I started a neighborhood food drive to help donate to families in need. I put flyers in everyone’s mailbox and a few days later I would go back and pick up all of the food. When we went to the Union County community shelter, we were pleased that we had a total of 178 pounds of canned and boxed food. This was an amazing feeling of satisfaction for me.

I will continue to practice Judaism by going to services and celebrating Shabbat and holidays in the future. I also plan to become a tutor for kids who are going to have their bar or bat mitzvah in the upcoming years. In the future, I will pass on my Jewish learning and understanding to my own family.