Haden Turnage


My favorite thing about being Jewish is the holidays. I like the traditions and knowing our family takes the time to come together.  One of my favorite memories from being at the Charlotte Jewish Preschool is eating Challah and drinking grape juice on Shabbat.  I am still best friends with my classmates.

To become a Bar Mitzvah means gaining responsibility and the middle years between being a kid and becoming an adult.   In preparing for my Bar Mitzvah I learned about what it takes to prepare for this day.  I learned it takes a lot of persistence and practice.  Going through Sheva during a pandemic was hard but it was worth it. The more I practiced and the more comfortable I became, I gained a sense of pride and accomplishment.

For my mitzvah project I worked on a few projects due to the restrictions of COVID 19. I worked with the Levine JCC teens on Mitzvah days to make sandwiches for the homeless shelter, make dog toys for the Humane Society and put together gift baskets for essential workers.  It taught me that taking a small amount of time out of my day can have a big impact overall.  I am also very proud to be a part of the South Carolina Turtle Rescue Team where I volunteer over the summer.

Haden is the son of Marisa and (step-son of) Jeff Jackson and the older brother to Owen and Avery.  Haden is the son of Stephen Turnage. Haden is the grandson of Kenneth & Sherri Bell (Maryland), Joan & Tom Tatum (South Carolina) and Anita and Ralph Turnage (South Carolina).

Send notes of Mazal Tov.