Jacob Russak

Parashat Ki Teitze

Becoming Bar Mitzvah makes me feel more Jewish. As I learned all of the prayers I started enjoying services and now I like going. I have been learning about Judaism since I was 2 and enrolled in a Jewish preschool. From a young age I felt it was expected of me to have a bar mitzvah, especially when my older sister had hers. As I get older I plan to become a counselor at Six Points Sports Academy to continue my Jewish faith. Six Points is a Jewish sports camp in which you play sports all day and on Shabbat you relax and attend services. Going there was an amazing experience which helped me make lots of friends and learn more about myself as a Jew. I will continue to go to camp and go to services in order to continue practicing Judaism.

My mitzvah project was to go to Bright Blessings. Bright Blessings is a foundation that provides supplies and birthday parties to kids living in homeless shelters. We made packages with schools supplies such as notebooks and pencils. We also made small candy bags. Lastly, we made hygiene kits so that the kids could brush their teeth. This is practicing the mitzvah of helping the needy.
Jacob is the son of Gina and Steve. He is the grandson of Jim and Jan Berry of Drexel, NC, and Barry and Judy Russak of Montgomery, TX. He is the brother of Mikaila and Brenna.

Words of Mazel Tov can be sent to grussak5@gmail.com.