Joslyn Bolton


I was born and lived in San Diego, CA for the first five years of my life. In 2013 I moved to Alexandria, VA where I lived for six years before moving to Charlotte, NC just two short years ago. As a daughter of a U.S. Marine veteran, I had the opportunity to live in three separate neighborhoods in just 13 years, soak in a variety of experiences and culture, and develop many close friendships which I continue to cherish every day. My family describes me as a loyal friend, a kind soul, and a funny person to be around. Despite the challenges of 2020, I managed to navigate the complexities of on-line academics and graduated 7th grade from Jay M. Robinson Middle School just a few weeks ago.

When I am not spending leisure time with my friends, you can most likely find me in a swim cap and goggles between the lanes. In 2014, I developed a passion for competitive swimming with the Highland Park Hurricanes and the Nation’s Capital Swim Club in Northern Virginia. Since moving to North Carolina, I joined TEAM Charlotte and I continue to compete on a regular basis. My parents are my biggest supporters!

Over the past year, I have dedicated much time to my Mitzvah project with Foster Village Charlotte. While working with this organization, I learned that many kids just like me are going through extremely challenging times at a very young age. I raised funds which I am using to purchase mostly “must need” and some “nice to have” gifts for the kids of Foster Village. My hope is that I can provide a small bit of happiness for a group of kids that greatly deserve something special in their lives. Supporting Foster Village Charlotte is a joy that is the icing on the cake in becoming a Bat Mitzvah…..and I really like cake!

Joslyn is the daughter of Greta and Gil Bolton. She is the sister of Wesley Bolton. She is the granddaughter of Laney and Denny Ducharme of Marlborough CT, Fred and Shelley Wassermann of West Bloomfield MI, Suella and John Steel of La Jolla CA, and Lucyann and Chuck Bolton of Charlestown MA.

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