Kendall Hackman

Parashat Shoftim

Becoming a Bat Mitzvah means becoming an adult in the Jewish world and to end an old chapter and begin a new chapter in my Jewish life. I am moving from learning as a child into doing as a young adult. I gained from Sheva and preparing for my Bat Mitzvah is broader horizons in my Jewish education. I also learned how to do mitzvot and life-skills in general. In tutoring and preparing I felt much more connected to my religion by knowing all the prayers and being able to read from the Torah.
I plan on continuing to go to services and staying active in the Jewish community, by joining LIBERTY and participating in events. To keep learning about Judaism I will continue to live by Jewish values and learn from others throughout my life.
Being Jewish means being part of a community that I always know that I can rely on – in my life I have always had the Jewish community to provide love and support.
I am working with Bright Blessings for my Mitzvah Project.
Kendall is the daughter of Shari Hackman and Allen Hackman and the sister of Lexie.
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