Liya Nichols


When people ask me what my favorite thing about being jewish is, I immediately think of the community. Whether it was at camp or at temple, everyone is so nice and it makes me feel like I am a part of something bigger. Becoming a bat mitzvah means taking one more step into this community. During the weeks of sheva leading up to my bat mitzvah, I have learned many things about myself. I have learned that being jewish is more than just the belief in god. I have also learned that many parts of my everyday life actually can connect with Judaism and its values. For my mitzvah project, I painted signs for the elderly community. I chose this project because painting is something I enjoy to do, but now, I get to make people happy while doing it. Especially during covid, many people have not been able to see family, and a handmade personal touch can go a long way. I am now able to feel like I have helped out people and be able to know I put a smile on their faces. After my bat mitzvah, I plan to keep immersing myself farther into the Jewish community. I will start going to NFTY events as well as being a madrahim for the Temple religious school.