Madeline Siegel


One of my favorite things about being Jewish has been the opportunity to have a Bat Mitzvah. This is very special to me because I have the chance to share something unique to me with my friends and family. I have also enjoyed the opportunity to learn about the Torah and the blessings.

I take seriously the idea that becoming a bat mitzvah means having more responsibility to be a better person and make the world a better place. I also feel that it is important to learn and read the Torah, even after I become a Bat Mitzvah. Sheva has taught me that if I put my mind to something I can do it. My Mitzvah project was called the lone soldier. That means I adopted a soldier from Israel who is in the army. Some soldiers go home to home cooked meals and family to greet them on Shabbat, but other soldiers don’t have family in Israel so they go home to nothing. They sometimes have to cook for themselves. I chose this because one of my mom’s friends’ son is in the Israeli army. He doesn’t have any family where he lives so he has to cook for himself most Shabbats. I learned to always be grateful for what you have in life, whether that is food, shelter, or clothes. I also learned that we should always appreciate our families, because some of these soldiers don’t have their parents with them in Israel and they have to make a zoom call or facetime call just to see them. I plan to keep living with Judaism by going to Sheva and Hebrew High. I also plan to become a tutor for kids who are going to have their bar/bat mitzvahs in the upcoming years. When I become an adult and have kids I plan to keep going to temple and keep getting engaged with Judaism more and more as I get older.

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