Max Thune


I feel blessed to be Jewish and embrace all the values and traditions I have been taught since I started my pre-school classes at Temple Adas Israel in Arlington, VA. Those teachings are reinforced at home and often guide my thinking when hard decisions arise. Becoming a Bar Mitzvah, an adult in the Jewish religion, is like a graduation where I will now become responsible for following the Jewish Law and Torah, as well as performing mitzvahs.

My mitzvah project combines my love of baseball with helping those with special needs play the sport. Volunteering for the Little League Challenger program is very satisfying when I see the big smiles after someone hits a homerun or makes a play in the field. I love seeing that everyone can participate in sports no matter the disability and being a part of this program makes me very proud.

Max is the son of Warren and Tama Thune. He is the brother of Sydney Thune. He is the grandson of Joel and Barbara Freedman of Delray Beach, Florida and Stanley and Eleanor Thune of Princeton, New Jersey.

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