Rachel Choffin

Parashat Vayishlach

Becoming a Bat Mitzvah means that I am a full, responsible Jewish adult. Now that I am a Jewish adult, I plan to participate in youth group, attend Sheva and Hebrew High, tutor, and continue to learn Hebrew. I will pass down Judaism to my family in the future. Being a Jew means that I am allowed to question anything, and the discussion of the questions will help me make decisions both now and later in life.

My Mitzvah Project has been volunteering with Ronald McDonald House, and 24 Hours of Booty. At Ronald McDonald House I have helped cook meals, collect tabs, and led craft projects for those staying there. For 24 Hours of Booty I volunteered in the hospitality and food tent supporting this cycling fundraiser for cancer research. I know a couple of cancer survivors and they have inspired to me to help. These projects have helped me fulfill the mitzvot of helping those in need, and helping to heal the sick.

Rachel is the daughter of Amy and Matt Choffin, and the sister of Sarah, age 16. She is the granddaughter of Donna and Burt Greenspon, of Charlotte, and April and Glenn Choffin, of Fairport, New York.
Please send messages of Mazel Tov: achoffin@carolina.rr.com