Reese Ader


One of the great things about being Jewish is the people. No matter where you go, there are always Jewish people who want to connect just because of being Jewish. When I went to 6 Points Sports Camp and was away from my family, it made me feel comfortable that we all had Judaism in common.

One thing I learned about myself as I was preparing for my b’nei mitzvah was that I’m a lot better at Hebrew than at English.

One important value in Judaism is caring for others. As a b’nei mitzvah, I focused on feeding people in our community.  There is enough food on the planet to feed everyone but not everybody has access to the nutrients they need. To help address this unfairness, I organized a food drive for the JFS food pantry and learned to make lasagna and delivered lasagna to families who needed them through an organization called Lasagna Love. We also made challah for other Temple Beth El families.

Moving forward, I will continue to share food with those who need it.

Reese Ader is the child of Maggie Fogel and Harris Ader, the sibling of Hudson Ader, the nephew of Shira Fogel, and the grandchild of Elizabeth and James Shadoin, Pearl Ader, and Mimi Davis and Alex Fogel.

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