Ryan Cheifetz

Atzeret/Simchat Torah - B'reishit

My favorite thing about Jewish is the holidays. I love getting together with family and friends to enjoy each other’s’ company, and of course, having a big, delicious feast. Today I’m becoming a bar mitzvah, which means I am officially a man. To be exact, a Jewish man.

One thing I have learned about myself while preparing for my bar mitzvah is that I can memorize A LOT of prayers. I have also realized that I am very blessed to live on this earth that God created so well and so carefully.  Now that I am a Jewish adult I plan to stay in touch with Judaism. I will celebrate holidays with family and friends, and every time I go to a bar or bat mitzvah or hear prayers I will think of this special day.

Since my options for what I could do as my mitzvah project were limited due to the pandemic, I had to think of something that I cared about and could do to help without seeing people. I went through my sports equipment and clothing and asked my friends to do the same so that I could donate them to kids in need. I think it is very important for every child to have the opportunity to play sports and feel confident that they have nice shoes, clothes, and equipment to do so. Now that sports are starting to be played again, I need to decide where to donate the items and would like for it to be a Jewish organization.