Sonia Atkins


My favorite thing about being Jewish has got to be the many traditional foods. For me, becoming a bat mitzvah make me feel like I have a more important role in the Jewish faith. When I was preparing for my bat mitzvah, I learned that being Jewish does not necessarily define who you are – it is something you choose as part of your identity. For my mitzvah project, I gave to the needy by donating canned food from my house. My goal was to help the people I gave to have some of what I have – I wanted them to understand that even though we don’t all have the same amount of things, I see them as equal to me. Now that I am a bat mitzvah, I will go to high holiday services and learn more about my faith.

Sonia is the daughter of Robin, James, Angie, and Eric. She is the sister of Draedyn and Lucas. She is the (favorite) granddaughter of Harriet Hurlich of Charlotte NC. Send notes of mazel tov.