Day 45 of the Omer – inspire the moment

Tiferet in Malchut – balanced beauty in the implementation of divine presence into reality.​

Ever been perched on one of those moments when all is ready and we have done everything possible to be prepared and our anticipation is a thrill of perfect beginning?​

This could be a physical preparation – about to start a race, or look down the perfect ski slope. An intellectual, social, or emotional endeavor – sitting down to write when we’ve done the right mental preparation, or sitting across from a person we’ve been eagerly waiting to talk to for a long time. It could be a spiritual moment – finally getting the chance to sit and reflect or meditate on something important.​

All of these reflect some of the great balance and beauty of injecting Tiferet into the next moment of doing. Let us balance our expectations with preparations, and infuse the next minute with some inspired excitement.​

Happy Friday, Shabbat Shalom, and more great counting everyone!​


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    Shabbat shalom. Betsy Garfinkle

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