Day 48 of the Omer – leap from solid ground

Yesod in Malchut – the solid balancing point in the wholeness that rules useful doings.

Our best steps start from solid ground. Bringing all the ingredients together to create that stable starting off spot requires all the principles that we have reflected on up until now.

Find that spot, build it even, and then take the next step trusting in our preparations, hoping for the best, and maintain openness to all the unpredictability that may ensue!

Prepare, plan, set our feet solidly, and then go and do!

Almost through the Omer now – we look towards Shavuot on Tuesday night.


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3 Responses

  1. Love it. I’m always working on the fine balance between solidly rooted in the ground and taking great leaps of faith into a new endeavor or relationship. Thanks for the contemplative thoughts.

    1. You are so welcome! We are all in the moments between thinking and doing. Moving between those moments asks a lot of us all!

    2. From a psychological stand point you can understand it as the fluctuation between the internal inner reality and the external world. we first need to find internal safety, inner goodness, centered, and internal groundness and then we can move outward and reach into reality.
      Have a Happy Shavuth,

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