Recent Contributions

About Our Funds

Thank you for honoring and memorializing your family and friends by donating to Temple Beth El! Contributions to funds are considered income to the Temple and are used on an as-needed or annual basis for the purposes set forth in the creation of the fund.

General Fund
Provides funds to supplement Temple operating expenses

Angel Fund
Provides funds through the Social Action Committee to help mothers provide basic needs for their children

Peggy & Joe Grifenhagen Older Adult Services Fund
Provides for older adult services

Robyn Farber Leadership Development Fund
Provides for training and motivating future leaders of our Temple

Rabbi Judith Schindler Social Justice & Action Fund
Provides for Social Justice & Action program

Roz Greenspon & Marty Birnbaum Adult & Family Engagement Fund
To create relationships and engage adults and families through Jewish Living Groups

Sacred Study Fund
Provides support for Jewish study programs and events for adults

Audio/Visual Fund
Provides support for the audio and visual needs of the congregation

Building Fund
Provides for general building maintenance, preservation, and improvements

Dzidra Hombs Beautifications Fund
Provides funds for beautification of the gardens at Temple Beth El

Technology Fund
Provides support for technology in our building

Temple Beth El Art Fund
Provides funds for the purchase of art for the Temple

Cojac-Mintz Summer Camp Fund
Provides scholarship assistance for youth attending Reform Jewish summer camps

Estelle Gold Children’s Fund
Provides for miscellaneous needs of Temple youth programs

Michelle Miller Jewish Commitment Endowment
Provides the Michelle Miller Award for Jewish Commitment of a Confirmation Student

Scott Katowitz Youth Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships for NFTY activities and URJ camps

Steven Gainsboro Teen Educator Fund
Provides support to teens that educate and mentor younger students through the Religious School Madrichim Program, the B’nei Mitzvah Peer Tutoring program and other involvement where teens supervise, teach and engage with younger students.

Cantor Andrew Bernard Youth Engagement Fund
Provides for youth programs, activities and events

Youth Engagement Fund

Elizabeth Goodman Klein Religious School Fund
Provides for teacher training and Religious School programs

Confirmation Class Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships for the Confirmation Class trips and programming

Interfaith & Outreach Fund
Provides for programs for interfaith families and education for individuals on the path to conversion

Judy Perlin Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships to Religious School; administered by the Sisterhood

Teddi Segal Jewish Identity Education Fund
Provides funding for the Jewish education Component of our Jewish Living Groups – groups that are formed around a common affinity, special interest or demographic likenesses to bring congregants together.

The rabbis and cantors act as agents of the synagogue in disbursing funds from their discretionary funds for a variety of causes.  Donations may be made to the general Clergy Good Works Fund or to specific clergy good works funds

All Clergy Good Works Fund

Cantor Danielle Rodnizki Good Works Fund

Rabbi Asher Knight Good Works Fund

Rabbi Beth Nichols Good Works Fund

Rabbi Lexi Erdheim Good Works Fund

Emerita Rabbi Judith Schindler Good Works Fund

Chief Operating Officer Good Works Fund

Clergy Discretionary Fund
Provides scholarship, Tzedakah contributions, direct assistance, books, materials, and Temple programs

Contributions to Crisis Assistance Ministry Fund and Mazon are sent directly to these agencies on behalf of Temple Beth El

Crisis Assistance Ministries Fund

Provides direct donation to Crisis Assistance Ministry

Disaster Relief Fund

Mazon: A Jewish Response To Hunger
Provides direct donations to Mazon by Temple Beth El

Birkat Shalom
Provides direct donations to our sister congregation Birkat Shalom in Israel

Supports Temple Beth El Brotherhood

High Holy Day
Provides for High Holy Day needs

Provides for GLBT programs and activities

Provides funds for SPICE programs and events

Tot Shabbat
Provides funds for programs for young children

Alan Shuart Sound Fund
Provides for upgrades to the sanctuary sound system for worship and events

Locke Family Conversion Fund
Provides funding for Temple Beth El programs and services for non-Jews wishing to become Jewish

Norman Steinberger Yizkor Fund
Provides for the publication of Yizkor memorial books and maintenance of the Memorial Boards

Pepper Music Fund
Provides for Temple music programs and the Temple Beth El Choir

Resnik-Gold Prayerbook Fund
Provides for the purchase of prayerbooks for Temple Beth El

Ritual Fund
Provides for the purchase and maintenance of ritual objects

Robert and Audrey Ezarsky Fund
Provides for worship and other services provided to Temple Beth El members

Solomon Schwartz Torah Fund
Provides for repair of Temple Torahs

Susan Kramer Healing Fund
Provides materials for healing and spirituality

Roz Greenspon & Marty Birnbaum Young Families & Young Adults Fund
Provides funds for programs for Young Families & Young Adults

From Strength to Strength

Anita & Herman Blumenthal Endowment
Provides funds to support the mission of Temple Beth El

Temple Beth El Principal Endowment
Provides money for ongoing financial security of Temple Beth El

Donald H. and Barbara K. Bernstein Temple Beth El Continuity Endowment
Provides funds to support the mission of Temple Beth El

Brotherhood Endowment
Provides funding for Temple Beth El programs

Cynthia and David Crane Endowment

Fay & Dan Green
Provides support to the mission of Temple Beth El

Leon Levine Foundation/Leon & Sandra Levine Endowment
Provides funds to support the mission of Temple Beth El

Sam & Emily Zimmern Endowment
Provides funds to support the mission of Temple Beth El

Sam & Raenea Siegel Endowment
Provides funds for general purpose use

David Cohen Family Social Justice & Action Endowment
Provides funding to support and implement social justice and action programs

David Silverman Youth Activities Endowment
Provides for youth programming

In memory of Ken Faberman – Marc and Mattye Silverman

In appreciation of Bruce and Anita’s thoughtful remembrance of David during his yahrzeit – Marc and Mattye Silverman

Donna S. & Norman Levin and Ross Levin Family Endowment for Education
Provides for educational programs

Family Experience Endowment
Provides financial support to family experiential retreats, programs & events

Fred & Vi Winton High Holy Day Music Endowment
Provides music for the High Holy Days

Jennifer Andrea Hunt Special Needs Endowment
Provides funds to Temple Beth El, which will be used to provide support for those students with special needs and priority given to those going through the B’nei Mitzvah program

Joe & Carol Voynow Building Maintenance Endowment
Provides for capital improvements to the building

Lash Family Teen Travel Endowment
Provides annual support to assist TBE teens with travel expenses to participate in Jewish experiences

Madrichim Endowment
Provides general financial support of Temple Beth El’s Madrichim program

Marian Segal Bennett Musical Arts Endowment
Provides for special programs of Jewish Music

Marshall W. Lindner Endowment
Supports the mission and activities of S.P.I.C.E. (senior programming)

S.A. Schloss Special Book Endowment
Provides Torah commentaries for the Sanctuary

Sadie W. Levin Guest Speaker Endowment
Provides for Scholar-in-Residence speakers and adult education

Sisterhood Children’s Endowment
Funds generated from this endowment fund will be used to aid and provide scholarship for temple-sponsored children’s programs

Sonny Melasky Nursery Endowment
Provides babysitting service and nursery improvements

Ted & M.E. Hessberg Endowment for Community Outreach Programs
Provides funds to support temple programs

Temple Beth El Clergy Endowment
Provides unrestricted annual support of the salaries of Temple Beth El clergy

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