Support Temple Beth El

Make a Gift to Temple Beth El Today

Your generosity sustains all that we are as a congregation—a vibrant, inclusive, and connected community of Reform Jews in Charlotte. Every contribution, no matter the size, strengthens our ability to celebrate, inspire, and support each other through worship, learning, social action, and connection.

Whether you’re marking a milestone, honoring a loved one, or investing in our shared future, your gift creates meaningful impact and helps ensure Temple Beth El thrives for generations to come.

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Temple Beth El has many special funds which have been established to benefit programs. Many people choose to mark milestone moments – occasions such as birthday, birth of children or grandchildren, anniversaries or to memorialize loved ones – by making contributions to our funds. Contributions are used on an as needed or annual basis for the purposes set forth in the creation of the fund.  Each contribution makes a noted difference in our community.  View fund descriptions and recent contributions.

Making charitable gifts is integral part of who we are as Jews. For more information or to create a named fund, contact Jonathan Friedman, Chief Operating Officer, at 704-366-1948.

Endowments - Building Our Future

Our vision is to broaden and endow programming and services, stabilize our financial position, and provide adequate staffing and space for worship, meetings, and study. Our goal is that Temple Beth El continues to be a vital center of spiritual and religious life for thousands of Reform Jews living in the region for many more years to come.  Many endowments have been established to help us achieve this goal. View endowment descriptions and recent contributions.

Temple Beth El endowments are managed by the Foundation for the Charlotte Jewish Community. In determining annual fund distributions Temple Beth El follows the FCJC’s spendable income policy.

Memorial Opportunities

Many people find that an important part of the healing process is creating a permanent memorial to their loved ones. There are several ways you can do so at Temple Beth El.

Memorial options include the dedication of prayer books and/or a Memorial Plaque. The Torah Commentary, Mishkan T’filah Reform Siddur or Mishkan T’filah for the House of Mourning will be inscribed with both your name (donor) and the name of the deceased.

The memorial plaques are located in Recognition Hall and are engraved with your loved one’s name and their dates of birth and death. The plaque is illuminated during the week of their Yahrzeit as well as four other times during the year when Yizkor is recited. Memorial plaques can be reserved in advance as well.

Celebrate Passover with Temple Beth El!

Make this Passover meaningful and memorable!