Heavy Hearts for Ayal, Gilad and Naftali

by Rabbi Judith Schindler

“Baruch dayan haemet”
We are called to say
when news of a death
reaches our ears.
“Blessed be the True Judge.”

Sadness and grief
touch us with every death.

Anger and anguish
touch us with tragedy.

Wordlessness and helplessness,
challenging God and questioning humanity   touch us with death by terror.

In all cases we utter a prayer:
“Blessed is the True Judge.”

Today, as a Jewish family
we mourn and weep                                                        as we watch the funeral in Modiin
of these three boys

Even as we fail to understand,
may we act to bring God’s goodness and righteousness
and truth into this world.

Even as we cry out
at their murder,
may we affirm our commitment to break the cycle of violence
and work to bring about peace.

Even as we weep,
may we do all we can
to honor the memories
of Ayal, Gilad, and Naftali,
and to honor God.

Baruch dayan haemet.
Blessed be the True Judge.

Baruch Atah Adonai
Oseh Hashalom.
Blessed are You O God,
the maker of peace.

2 Responses

  1. Well said as always, Judy! Fanatical terrorism is an unfortunate evil that we must always be aware of, but never give into. We loved your posting from Siena! The running if the horses! Fabulous! Rick Lipson

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