Congregational Initiatives

Congregational Initiatives

The Temple Beth El Social Justice and Action Committee creates an annual justice agenda for the congregation outlining strategic goals and issues of specific interest.  

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Reproductive Justice

Following the overturning of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court in the summer of 2022, Temple Beth El’s Board of Trustees approved a formal resolution in support of reproductive rights and reproductive justice.

This resolution affirms Temple Beth El’s unwavering support for the protection, preservation, and restoration of reproductive rights, informed by our Jewish values of pikuach nefesh, the sacred obligation to preserve life and to protect the physical health and well-being of pregnant people.

Jewish tradition is clear that the life of the mother must always take precedence over that of the unborn child. The overturning of Roe v. Wade, therefore, also threatens our ability as American Jews to follow the tenets of our faith.   

MLK Jr. Weekend and Justice Shabbat

Each year on MLK Jr. Weekend, we celebrate and recommit ourselves to MLK’s vision of creating a just and equitable world with a special Shabbat service featuring a speaker and participation in the city-wide MLK March.  

Civic Engagement

Want to make sure your vote counts?  Here are some easy steps:

Celebrate Passover with Temple Beth El!

Make this Passover meaningful and memorable!