Students Grades K – 7

Grades K-7: Explore, Discover, and Grow

At Temple Beth El, our Grades K-7 program is designed to ignite curiosity, foster a love for Jewish learning, and build a strong foundation for our children’s Jewish identity. Through engaging and dynamic lessons, we create a joyful and enriching environment where students can thrive.

On In grade groups, children study Jewish traditions, texts, and history. Each grade celebrates and studies the Jewish holidays at an age-appropriate level. In addition, each grade has a different focus, allowing children to develop their Jewish knowledge and identity over time. 

Kindergarten: Ritual Objects and Symbols, Holidays and Shabbat

  1. Torah Stories from Genesis, Israel
  2. Torah Stories from Exodus-Deuteronomy, God and Prayer
  3. Life Cycle Observances and Jewish Values
  4. Prophets and Writings
  5. Jewish History, Heroes and Peoplehood
  6. Israel, Sacred Texts

Every grade spends time weekly with our clergy and song leaders engaged in worship services and singing. Grades are grouped together by age (K-2, 3-4, 5-6) so that the service and songs can be customized to address spirituality and Hebrew knowledge at an age-appropriate level. 

Hebrew Hafsakah is an energetic period in the morning when students can engage with Modern Hebrew and the language of Hebrew prayers. For younger grades, we hope that this time will inspire them to study Modern Hebrew in the future. For older grades, this time reinforces the prayers they are learning in their Hebrew groups. 

Children can stay for an additional hour (11:30am-12:30pm) on Sunday mornings for optional enrichment activities. Shir Kids (our youth choir) and Conversational Hebrew are always two of the options. (Some Hebrew Small Groups also meet during this hour). 

At Temple Beth El Religious School, Hebrew is taught in small groups to ensure children receive individual attention from teachers. Each small group meets for one hour each week. To accommodate children’s varying schedules and learning needs, Hebrew small groups are offered both in person and online on multiple days of the week.  

Hebrew decoding (learning how to phonetically read Hebrew) begins in 3rd grade. 4th through 6th grades each focus on a different section of the prayer service, preparing children to actively participate in worship services as well as lead them when they celebrate becoming b’nei mitzvah.

Temple Beth El Religious School is committed to ensuring accessibility and engagement for individuals with learning differences. Tikvah Charlotte is a joint special needs religious school program between Temple Beth El and Temple Israel. Tikvah Charlotte’s Director of Inclusion Services supports students with different learning and behavioral needs by helping students integrate into classes or by organizing alternative learning plans. Temple Beth El students who qualify for Tikvah Charlotte often study Hebrew through one-on-one tutoring.   

Sheva (seven), our program for 7th grade students, reflects that this year marks the beginning of their Jewish young adulthood. Sheva is offered at two different times to accommodate families’ schedules, and each option includes a meal to encourage community building: Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm-8:30pm, in conjunction with Hebrew High; Sunday mornings from 11:15am-12:30pm, in conjunction with Chug Hour for younger siblings. The Sheva curriculum covers three units: 1. Tzedakah – How do we make responsible and meaningful decisions about our giving? 2. Holocaust – How did this tragedy shape our Jewish community and what does it teach us for the future? 3. Jewish Choices – How might Jewish concepts and values influence my choices and opinions today? 

Our Youth Groups are an important part of Temple Beth El’s commitment to engaging our youth from five year olds all the way up to age 18. This is a wonderful opportunity for TBE kids to get together and forge Jewish friendships that last a lifetime.

Children in Kindergarten through 6th grade attend Religious School on Sunday mornings from 9:00am-11:15am. Each Sunday morning includes a variety of activities, inviting children to explore their Judaism through different lenses. Special programs throughout the year also give parents and guardians an opportunity to learn alongside their children or bring the whole school together for special events.