Our Students Visit Sinai by Susan Jacobs, Director of Education

This past week, the Jewish world celebrated the holiday of Shavuot, commemorating the anniversary of the day God gave the Torah to the entire nation of Israel assembled at Mount Sinai. At Temple Beth El, our Shavuot service was created, written, and led by our 10th grade Confirmation class. We watched with pride as these teens shared their years of Jewish study, deep sense of spirituality, and love of Judaism with the congregation. How were they able to arrive at this milestone life cycle event in their Jewish lives? We bring all of our students to Sinai. That’s right! Our students are part of the nation of Israel that assembled at the foot of the mountain and received Torah.

In fact, our students visit Sinai every week. From preschool through post-confirmation, our dedicated clergy and teachers help our students receive a living, relevant, meaningful Torah that serves as their guide to a rich and full Jewish life. They learn that they are all B’tzelem Elohim, created in the image of God and that we value and love each of them. We build a foundation that will remain strong throughout their lives and help them become individuals who are proud of their Jewish identity and who contribute to their community.

When you walk through the halls of Temple Beth El Religious School on a typical Sunday morning, it is clear that Torah is alive and vibrant in every class and in every student. You will hear music and the voices of our children in t’filah singing Torah. You will see the beautiful Judaic and ritual art projects that they create to celebrate Torah. You can hear Torah and Jewish history come alive in so many creative ways.

Not only is this the time of year to celebrate Shavuot, it is time to give your children Torah by enrolling them in Temple Beth El Religious School. It is a precious and valuable gift you give them. You are helping them find their way to Sinai.

This past week we could feel the presence of Sinai in every Confirmation student who stood on the bima to lead the congregation. We know that their years of Jewish education have prepared them to bring their future families and the generations that follow to Sinai with them.

For information about Temple Beth El Religious School, click here.

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