Lily Fitzgerald

Parashat Lech L'cha

My favorite thing about being Jewish is the community – how everyone’s like so close together. It’s like family; my Sheva class all has sleepovers and hangs out all the time. For me, becoming a Bat Mitzvah means I become a Jewish woman – and it also means I have to fast, which I’m not looking forward to. In preparing for my bat mitzvah, I learned how skilled I am at procrastination.

For my mitzvah project, Cameron and I did a number of things. We volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House, the Dream Center, and with the elderly. The Dream Center was my favorite. We spent time with them at a park, and even though the park didn’t have any of the play equipment most parks I am used to have, the kids played just as well; I was impressed by how creative they were.

As a Jewish adult, I plan to observe all my holidays, keep going to services and lots of other b’nei mitzvah, stay in Sheva this year and sign up for Hebrew High next year, and be a madricha.

Lily Fitzgerald is the daughter of Randie and Stephen. She is the sister of Sarah and Isabella. She is the granddaughter of Sheila and Mossy Fitzgerald of London, England and Yaffa Schacter of Manhattan, New York. Send Lily notes of mazel tov.