Abigail August

Parashat Balak

Becoming a Bat Mitzvah means that I am taking the next big step in my Jewish life. It means that I am preparing to face new challenges and adventures that come with being a Jewish adult. I am ready to embrace my Jewish religion in a bigger and better way because I understand more than I did before. In my prep for my bat mitzvah, I have gained experience and understanding of why being a Bat Mitzvah is so important. I also gained the ability to read and chant a lot more prayers. Now that I will be a Jewish adult I plan on going to Sheva. I have heard some things about Sheva and how fun it is, so I will do that. I also want to go to more services. I can pass Judaism on to others, including my Mom and friends, by teaching them what I know and helping them read and understand prayers. Most of all, being Jewish means helping others who need our help, and learning what we know so that we can pass it on to other people. In Judaism we have mitzvot, or commandments, to help those who need our help and making sure that they can support themselves and their families. I also think that being Jewish means teaching others our religion and to help others because if they understood what our ancestors went through to keep Judaism alive today then they would be inspired to help others because they would understand that like our ancestors then, life is hard for certain people now, and that one penny or one helping hand can make a huge difference in peoples’ lives today.

For my Mitzvah Project I am working with Bright Blessings, which is a company that helps people in need. They started with Birthday Blessing, which granted kids who never experienced a birthday party with a party. They also have Bless a Baby, Gift of Literature, and Gift of Care. I think it’s a really cool company. I chose Bright Blessings because I can help kids in need or those who want to experience what other kids have and they don’t. It’s really nice to know that you are giving a little kid a fun experience and that they are cared for and given what they need. From this I got imagination and inspiration. This inspired me to one day think up my own company to help the needy and use my imagination to make it the best it can possibly be – figuring out a better way to give clothes and food to those in need would be great. I fulfilled the commandment of helping those in need with this Mitzvah Project.

Abby is the daughter of Tanja and Bob August, and the sibling of Jakob (age 10). She is the granddaughter of: Antje and Wolfgang Below, of Munich, Germany, and Joan and Howard August, may their memories be for a blessing, both from New York City.
Words of mazel tov can be sent to: tanja.august@gmail.com.