Adam Buckler

Parashat Matot/Ma'sei

Even if my parents had not expected me to have a Bar Mitzvah, I probably would have done it anyway, because it is a tradition that goes back fourteen hundred years. I have a learned a lot in preparing for this day.  I have learned a plethora of prayers. I have learned Torah and the meaning of it.  I have enjoyed learning about Jewish history, too. I have become more a part of the community here, since it feels like I’m at the temple or Hebrew school twenty-four seven.  I am more involved now, instead of just showing up once in a blue moon.  After my Bar Mitzvah, I plan to stay connected by coming to services, maybe being a madrich, a teaching assistant in the religious school and coming to Hebrew High.  I also hope to stay connected by continuing my mitzvah project and staying connected to the seniors.  I am proud of being Jewish. It is something that not a lot of people can say.  It has become a part of me.  Judaism has also taught me many life-long lessons, and has given me memories that will last a lifetime.

For my mitzvah project I worked with the elders through the Oasis Program. I interacted with them face to face, helped clean up and set the tables. I also set up exercise classes for them, and had a lot of fun playing rummy cube with the seniors.  Doing this mitzvah, I felt a sense of contentment with myself. It felt good to be helping the community in an interactive way. I fulfilled the mitzvah of honoring the elderly.

Adam is the son of Robin and Bryan. He is the grandson of Peter and Amy Brenner, and Joe and Linda Buckler. He is the sibling of Amanda and Sophie.
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