Alex Sherr

Parashat Vayeira

I am having a Bar Mitzvah because my parents expected it of me. It is important to them because my dad became Bar Mitzvah as well as my grandfather, great grandfather and so on. My parents want me to have the same experience that they all did. When my parents got married they made a commitment to raise Jewish kids and this is part of their promise. I am proud of all that I learned and I feel more connected to Judaism. I am proud of being Jewish. There aren’t many kids who are Jewish in my school and I like being unique. As a Jewish adult, I hope to continue celebrating Jewish holidays and if I have kids, I hope to raise them as Jews and make them go through a Bar Mitzvah, as well.

For my mitzvah project I volunteered at First Tee of Charlotte. I spent a week and a half working with kids who are 5 and 6 years old and helped them learn more about the game of golf. I also helped them build character, instilled life-enhancing values, and promoted healthy choices through the game of golf. First Tee teaches a lot about being a good person and treating others and surroundings with respect. I fulfilled the mitzvah of teaching children. They called me Coach Alex which was cool. I got to watch them learn from their mistakes and improve. Now I know what my teachers feel like and how good it feels to watch their students succeed. I do have a lot more respect for them now.

Alex is the son of Michael and Nancy Myers Sherr, the grandson of Alan and Janis Sherr, of blessed memory, and Joan and Gabriel Spina of Jupiter Farms, FL.

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