Annie Morgan

Parashat Mishpatim

Becoming a Bat Mitzvah means that I have the responsibility of a young woman in the Jewish community. I’m learning to become more independent, and also learning to have responsibility for myself in what I say and do. Sheva class has taught me to have freedom of speech, but also making sure I say something that does not offend others. Also, I have learned to be loyal to all of my Sheva friends, who I treat more like a second family. Now that I am classified as a Jewish adult, I plan to become a madricha for the religious school and to help tutor the next generation into becoming b’nei mitzvah. I will continue to learn Judaism in Hebrew High, and I would love to help teach the younger kids about what I learn in the religious school. Being Jewish means that I always have to be honest, have an open mind, and that we should question things.

My Mitzvah Project was helping out with the Robin Gill’s Dance class for young adults with Down Syndrome at Mark Ballas Dance and Performing Arts. I chose this project because I love to dance, and I was more than excited to volunteer at the studio where I dance twice a week. Dancing with these people gave me one of the most important lessons that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. The lesson I learned is that no matter what I am struggling with, I should always smile and work on being happy. These young adults danced because they wanted to learn, they wanted to be with their friends, or they just simply enjoyed being there, even if they didn’t exactly want to dance. The one thing these kids all had in common was that they were happy; everyone in the room could tell. Each and every one of them had the widest smiles on their faces, and I couldn’t help but smile with them.
Annie is the daughter of Liz and Brett Morgan, and the sister of Jake and Sydney (age 16 and 14). She is the granddaughter of: Harvey and Susan Morgan, of Kings Point, New York, and Diana Morgan, of Great Neck, New York, and Marvin and Ernestine Osias, both of blessed memory.
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