Avery Rosen

Parashat Naso

I have always wanted to become a Bat Mitzvah.  It was never a question in my mind, originating from the time I started at the Charlotte Jewish Preschool and never wavering.  I love being Jewish.  The community of great people I have gotten to know over the years is amazing!  I love being different and going to Hebrew School and getting to know awesome Hebrew School friends.  It’s been a fun year of celebrating everyone’s B’nei Mitzvah – party after party after party.  I have learned a lot of Hebrew.  In Sheva, I have studied Jewish history, how Judaism has evolved over the years, and how it guides my life today.  Although most people imagine Hebrew School as mostly about learning prayers, it also immerses us in Jewish culture, community, and friendship.  In addition, it was a ton of fun!  I look forward to continuing my Jewish education by going to Hebrew High and then becoming a B’nei Mitzvah tutor, teaching other students and helping them learn Hebrew.  I am so excited to become and take on the responsibilities of a Jewish adult!

For my mitzvah project, I will be volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House.  The Ronald McDonald House provides free lodging for families who have a child in the hospital receiving treatment.  I am fulfilling the mitzvot of helping the needy and providing hospitality for those who have family members who are sick.  It is an important cause, as having any family member in the hospital, especially a young one, can be a hardship for the whole family.  The cost of staying somewhere that allows your child access to some of the best medical care shouldn’t have to add to the stress of the situation.  While volunteering there I will help cook, clean, and entertain kids, helping to alleviate some of their parents’ stress.  I hope that by volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House, I will be able to offer some comfort and support to families who are going through difficult times.

Avery is the daughter of Marlene and Doug Rosen.  She is the granddaughter of Marsha Rosen, Lawrence and Corrine Rosen, Paul and Ellen Schaadt, and Joseph and Sandra Marschke.  She is the sibling of Lauryn, Emerson, and Delaney Rosen.
Words of Mazel Tov can be sent to marlenerosen@me.com.