Darien Alpern

Parashat Tol'dot

My favorite part of being Jewish is being able to connect with a community of Jewish people. Becoming a Bar Mitzvah means to me that I will become a Jewish man and I will have a lot more responsibilities.

My mitzvah project was doing multiple forms of community service. I chose this because I wanted to see the different needs that some people have and take the opportunity to help them. What I got out of it is that not all people have the advantages and abilities that we take for granted. Now that I am a Jewish adult I plan to keep learning about and living Jewishly by following the laws of God.

Darien is the son of Joey and Naomi Alpern. He is the brother of Justin, Dean, and Jeremy. He is the grandson of Ester Milgrim, who lives in Charlotte, and Jonny Alpern, who lives in Florida. Words of Mazel Tov can be sent to naomi.alpern@hotmail.com