Dashiell Pledger-Levine

Parashat Ki Tisa

I asked my Dad if I could have a Bar Mitzvah because I often feel like I want to accomplish something, but can’t. So, I thought a Bar Mitzvah would be a great goal to commit to and work toward achieving. As Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote in the musical Hamilton, “I’m not throwing away my shot!” I also felt like I wanted to feel more Jewish and connect to that part of me, and I thought that this would do it. So, I did it. And here we are… The teachers at Hebrew School did all they needed to in order to prepare me for my Bar Mitzvah, but now I want more. I want to learn to speak Hebrew, so I’m hoping to take a conversational Hebrew class next year at Hebrew High. That’s one of the main ways I hope to keep connecting to my Jewish identity. I’m proud of being Jewish because it makes me feel different. I love the traditions and the way it links me to my family.

For my Mitzvah project, I am volunteering at Shining Hope Farms, a therapeutic equestrian center for people with special needs. I liked the idea of working on a farm with animals, and seeing how animals can help people instead of it always being the other way around.
So, thanks y’all for helping me celebrate my Bar Mitzvah. I have mixed feelings: I am proud of the accomplishment, but sad that it’s over. To end, let us return once more to that great Jewish philosopher, Yoda, who said, “Truly wonderful the mind of a child is.”

Dashiell is son of Steven and Shawnna. He is the grandson of Jules and Sandra Levine of Charlottesville, VA and Sharon and Lee Pledger of Roy, Washington. He is the sibling of N’shama and Dalton. Words of Mazel Tov can be sent to sml434@gmail.com.