Ethan Eisner

Parashat B’shalach

I am having a Bar Mitzvah to follow in my parents’ and grandparents’ footsteps. Apart from my mom’s mom, who didn’t have the option when she was a kid, everyone in my family has become B’nei Mitzvah. It was also expected of me. In studying for this day, I learned a lot of Hebrew and in Sheva classes I learned more of what it means to be Jewish. I have also learned that there is a community of people who are Jewish like me, and share the same values as me. As a Jewish adult, I plan to keep coming to Temple services and would like to start to tutoring future B’nei Mitzvah students. I plan to go to Hebrew High to continue my Jewish education, because there I have a wonderful community.

For my Mitzvah Project I have been volunteering at the Dilworth Soup Kitchen. Helping out people made me feel like other people needed me, which is always a good feeling. From helping out there I have learned that I am incredibly lucky to have everything I could ever need in life. In doing my Mitzvah Project I fulfilled the mitzvah of helping the poor.

Ethan is the son of Marni and David Eisner, and the sibling of Ryan and Tyler (ages 14 and 11). He is the grandson of: Neil Eisner, of Fairfax, Virginia, and Joan Bean, of Surprise, Arizona, Barbara Langburt, of Fort Mill, South Carolina, and Carl Langburt of blessed memory.
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